Traffic Ticket Defense

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Traffic Ticket Defense

There are often several defenses that you can throw at a police officer when you’re trying to escape a speeding ticket, such as trying to get to the hospital because you’re having a baby. Still, other than that, there are very few that work. The same is true for judges in speeding ticket courts. Here are a few that you might not even consider trying when you’re trying to escape a speeding ticket.

You claim you didn’t know the law. It sounds good, but the judge will say, Sorry, ignorance is not an excuse. If trees or bushes hid the speeding limit sign, this might work, but it still doesn’t give you the right to drive 80 miles per hour in a 50-mile-per-hour zone. If you need to know the speed limit, go as far as 55 to be on the safe side. If you go any faster and don’t know the speed limit, then you won’t be able to escape a speeding ticket.

The officer was lying. This defense is a hit below the belt for most people in a legal position. With this one, you will most likely not escape a speeding ticket, and the judge probably won’t appreciate it. You’ll have to have some specifics to prove it if the defense is also true.

You claim you didn’t hurt anybody. Again, this one will not help you escape a speeding ticket. No matter how slow or nonexistent the traffic is and what time it is, you must still follow the law. The fact that your conduct was illegal is enough to charge you. However, this may vary from state to state, as some states allow you to drive above the posted speed.

Somebody in your family was ill. This is another reason that won’t help you to escape a speeding ticket. Most judges won’t have a lot of compassion for a defense such as this, and it should only be used as a last resort. Now, there are some instances in which you can speed because of an emergency, but it better be a good one, and you better tell the police officer when you are pulled over for speeding.

It was selective enforcement, or the officer was picking on me. This is another one that won’t fly. Selective enforcement is when the motorist claims that the officer ignored others speeding and decided to pull you over to be mean. The law does make it plain that you can’t speed, and if you were speeding and got pulled over, you were speeding. To win with this defense, you have to show that the police officer had the motive to pick on you.

So, as you can see, there are several defenses that you shouldn’t even consider using to escape a speeding ticket. However, several could be used if you have evidence and details to support your position. Typically, you’re better off showing that you didn’t break all the law requirements or that some other error was made when you were issued your speeding ticket.

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